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Stock Management Areas

Confinement feeding in Stock Management Areas (SMA) is a proactive management strategy that can be incorporated into on-farm drought management programs. When feed availability and ground cover reduces livestock are confined to a smaller area of the property which helps maintain livestock production, increases productivity and importantly maintains ground cover across other parts of the property. Traditionally during drought producers have let livestock roam large areas and fed them in existing large paddocks.

A Guide to Confinement
Feeding Sheep and Cattle in
New South Wales

This publication was developed by Central Tablelands Local Land Services and aims to provide producers with best practise management protocols and recommendations when confinement feeding stock on farm.

Grazing Crops Under Irrigation

Kate Coffey Riverine Plains
Dual-purpose crops under irrigation offer an attractive graze and grain return. But what's the best set-up to maximise potential at the paddock level?

Producing Irrigated Cereal Grain and Fodder in Northern Victoria

This cereal fodder guide primarily is intended to help farmers decide what cereals to grow for fodder when irrigation water is limited and to help identify the risks that may threaten the viability of the forage crop. This guide will also help farmers to determine the cost effectiveness of home-grown forages and the best end use for the forage grown.

Optimise Returns from Grazing Irrigated Crops

In 2021, members of the GRDC Riverine Plains Irrigation Discussion Group tested the practical and financial implications of grazing irrigated wheat and canola.

Grazing Canola Variety Demonstration

Growers in this environment have been hesitant to graze canola due to the long season traditional grazing varieties and the suspected heat stress in late spring/ early summer. The hope was that a series 5 spring variety would mature earlier and require one less irrigation in spring. The growers were accepting that a yield decrease would occur however it would save them an irrigation.
