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To irrigate or not?

Handy spreadsheet to help growers calculate the gross margins of watering different crops at varying water prices.

High Yielding Wheat

Handy tool to help growers to work out the optimal time to irrigate to maximise wheat yields.

Winter Cereal Crop Irrigation

Irrigation scheduling fact sheet.

Irrigation Timing Demonstration

The demonstration was established to test the yield and grain quality of wheat to various irrigation scenarios. While some differences were noted, the demonstration was compromised by drought in late winter prior to the opening of the irrigation season. Yield potential was reduced through tiller death and the plants were unable to compensate once irrigation was applied.

How Do We Use Data to Make Irrigation Decisions?

Alex Schultz, a Research Development Officer with the NSW Department of Primary Industries about using data to make irrigation decisions.

What Are The Economic & Agronomic Considerations When Irrigating?

The agronomic and economic considerations when irrigating.

Soil Moisture Monitoring to Help Growers Make Decisions

Soil moisture monitoring systems and data analysis to provide real time relevant information to assist farmers to optimise crop performance.

Using Water Strategically to Maximise Returns Podcast

Each year growers are making decisions about the best way to use their water, winter crops, summer crops, different crop types (varieties) etc. Craig Reynolds from Congupna shares how they best use water in their system to maximise returns and meet their farm goals.

Converting Flood Irrigation to a Lateral Move System

When to Irrigate?

Assessing Economic Costs and Benefits Winter Cropping Irrigation Scenarios, Northern Victoria

The tool aims to provide an easy way for farmers to assess the gross margin outcomes for different rotations, water prices and customise the output.
